Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission - DE PAUL English Medium High School

The De Paul English Medium High School provide instruction in a caring, safe and healthy learning environment, responsive to address the needs of each student to prepare them to excel in a global, rapidly changing, uncertain environment. Through the educational programs, we empower students to participate in and contribute the global world and practise the core values of the school: respect, tolerance, inclusion and excellence.

The De Paul English Medium High School aims to preserve and enhance the highest standards of excellence and prepare capable, responsible citizens for the upcoming decades to meet the needs of life-long learners by developing intellectual curiosity and a thirst for discovery and achievement. We earnestly desire to train the students of De Paul English Medium High School to be sensitized to the environmental concerns, evoking in them the feelings of nationalism and communal harmony and motivating them to follow the motto of"For God and Country" by serving others willingly, graciously and selflessly.


The School is named after St. Vincent De Paul, a visionary of the 17th century born at Pouy, in France, in the year 1581, who transformed the society by selfless dedication and devotion to the cause of the downtrodden and the less privileged. In 1625, Vincent De Paul founded the Congregation of the Mission, a society of priests commonly known as the Vincentians and in 1633, with the assistance of Louise de Marilac, he founded the Daughter of Charity..

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DE PAUL English Medium School

M. Nagulapalli,
       Bhimadole - 534425,
       W.G. Dist, A.P

phone: +91 9493550011,
         08829 222001

[email protected]

satta king