Message from the Principal

Principal Message- DE PAUL English Medium High School

Fr. Santhosh V.C, PRINCIPAL
Dear parents, staff members, students and community members, it is a privilege to have you navigate through our web site, an experience that will spawns feelings of joy and fulfilment.

Knowledge is power. It is a blessing of God to the mankind. It makes the person kind, benevolent and opens up the eyes of a person, who is groping in the darkness of ignorance and leads him to the optimistic right path of life.

Every student matters to me. My wish for each one of them is that they will reach the highest possible academic standard of which they are capable. My vision is that each student in our care will leave De Paul As a fully formed person, having developed a love of learning with an appreciation that education is a life-long pursuit. Our school atmosphere is warm and structured, friendly and focussed, child-centered and ambitious. It is my belief that children are happy and most open to learning in this type of disciplined yet caring environment. In our school I want each one of our students to have the opportunity to develop their individual talents, whether they are academic, sporting or musical and to grow in confidence so that they can take their place in the world and use their talents for the betterment of the society.

We are of the conviction, that going roots of values is significant so that our pupils remain firmly rooted to the ground. We give our students wings of ambition, so that they can soar like falcons to touch the skies and endeavour to make them global citizens who can look beyond geographical boundaries and promote a culture of peace and universal brotherhood.

We shall work together to bring an overall development in our children's lives. We form and inculcate in every child a set of healthy habits and impart knowledge that can equip the child for a civilized and respectable life in the contemporary society. Thus they become straight forward, honest, righteous and broad minded in his/her personality as well as, cultured and amiable in their behaviour. 'An ideal student today, is an ideal citizen tomorrow'. An ideal citizen is not liability, but an asset for the society.

Exciting times are ahead of us and I hope you to be a part of our continuing success.

Thank you....


The School is named after St. Vincent De Paul, a visionary of the 17th century born at Pouy, in France, in the year 1581, who transformed the society by selfless dedication and devotion to the cause of the downtrodden and the less privileged. In 1625, Vincent De Paul founded the Congregation of the Mission, a society of priests commonly known as the Vincentians and in 1633, with the assistance of Louise de Marilac, he founded the Daughter of Charity..

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DE PAUL English Medium School

M. Nagulapalli,
       Bhimadole - 534425,
       W.G. Dist, A.P

phone: +91 9493550011,
         08829 222001

[email protected]

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