Characteristics of De Paul Education

Characteristics of De Paul Education

Characteristics of De Paul Education - DE PAUL English Medium High School
Academics : Acquiring resolutely knowledge and skills of one kind.
Wholesomeness : Growing holistically in totality of One's body, mind and spirit.
Integrity : Treasuring human virtues of Peace, Joy and Forgiveness.
Spirituality : Practicing one's faith and respecting the faith of others.
Justice : Option for the poor with a stand against unjust situation.
Leadership : Committing ourselves to be the men and women for others.
Excellence : Striving ever to do 'more' and achieve 'greater' things.
Collaboration : Learning to work in groups with genuine fellowship.
Renewal : Rejuvenation of oneself always in our patriotic dedication.
Commitment : Proving men and women of competence, conscience and compassionate commitment.

Beyond Academics :

Student Council:
School Pupil Leader
School Prefects
Assistant School Pupil Leader

Sports and Games :

Shuttle Badminton
Basket Ball
Foot Ball
Throw Ball

Creative and Performing Arts :



The School is named after St. Vincent De Paul, a visionary of the 17th century born at Pouy, in France, in the year 1581, who transformed the society by selfless dedication and devotion to the cause of the downtrodden and the less privileged. In 1625, Vincent De Paul founded the Congregation of the Mission, a society of priests commonly known as the Vincentians and in 1633, with the assistance of Louise de Marilac, he founded the Daughter of Charity..

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DE PAUL English Medium School

M. Nagulapalli,
       Bhimadole - 534425,
       W.G. Dist, A.P

phone: +91 9493550011,
         08829 222001

[email protected]

satta king